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2025 fees have been posted and are available below!

All organizations are required to pay an initial one-time registration fee and an annual licensing fee.*

Vendors are not required to pay a registration fee. Fees are based upon the type of organization/activity. Select from the following to find the fee schedule appropriate for your facility:


ISBT 128 is a copyrighted system that is governed by ICCBBA and licensed to authorized users on the basis of an annual licensing fee. ICCBBA is a not-for-profit organization that is entirely dependent on licensing fee income.

Each year, the annual licensing fee is established by the Board of Directors according to a schedule that indexes several factors. Chief among these is funding the annual cost of operations for supporting, maintaining, and administering the ongoing development of the standard for the benefit of all licensee organizations. Additional factors in calculating the licensing fee include the type of licensee organization, and the international location of the organization in accordance with the World Bank Index Country Income classification of lower middle or low-income economies.

*Information regarding the role of the ICCBBA Board of Directors in establishing ISBT 128 licensing fees can be found on the Board of Directors page here.



As a matter of policy, licensing with ICCBBA is required of all participating organizations and timely processing of licensing fees is obligatory and strictly enforced. 

Licensing fees are invoiced each year to the institutional address currently on record with ICCBBA for each organization. Fees are payable within 30 days. If remittance of the annual licensing fee should lapse beyond the invoice due date, access to the password-protected area of the ICCBBA website will be discontinued and the organization will need to re-register in order to be reinstated.

To ensure continuity of service, contact information should be continually updated. ICCBBA makes a form available to facilitate updating contact information as easily as possible.

Any fee changes will be posted to this website.

For more information, please direct all questions on licensing fees and requirements by contacting us. 

Discounts based on World Bank Country Income Classification

*NOTE: The fees marked below with an asterisk are reduced for facilities located in countries with a World Bank Index Country Income classification of Lower-Middle or Low Gross National income economies. If your facility is in a country classified as Lower-Middle Gross National Income per capita, the fee payable is reduced by 33%. If your facility is in a country classified as Low Gross National Income per capita, the fee payable is reduced by 66%.  Click here for more information about WBI.

ISBT 128 FEES FOR 2025

Fees Blood

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the total number of Donation Identification Numbers (DINs) assigned annually. DINs are assigned to each collection or pooling event. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the total number of Donation Identification Numbers (DINs) assigned annually. DINs are assigned to each collection or pooling event. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area.The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Facilities that only perform collections will be billed based on the total number of Donation Identification Numbers (DINs) assigned annually. DINs are assigned to each collection/pooling event. Facilities that only process units will be billed based on the total number of final ISBT 128 labeled products distributed annually. For facilities that both collect and process, we will bill based on whichever annual total value is greater. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the number of tissue products distributed annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the number of ocular tissue products distributed annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be based on the number of ART and/or MAR products distributed annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

See table below.

Annual Licensing Fee:

The fee is based on the number of final products labeled annually with ISBT 128. A fractionation facility carrying out several activities will need to pay the fee associated with each activity. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. 


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the number of liters distributed annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the number of final labeled products produced annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the number of final labeled products produced annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the number of final labeled products (treatments) produced annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

US $274*


Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218 includes the first Facility Identification Number. Additional $205 for each subsequent Facility Identification Number requested.

Annual Licensing Fee:

Will be billed based on the number of final labeled products produced annually that are labeled with ISBT 128. NOTE: There will be a $10 fee for each additional MPHO area. The annual bill is calculated as follows:


A Software Vendor is a vendor providing software to customers that process and/or outputs ISBT 128 data structures. This category includes: blood establishment computer system vendors, vendors of information management systems for MPHO facilities, and on-demand label printing system vendors.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

The fee is based on the number of customers your company serves.


A Label Vendor is a vendor who provides pre-printed labels carrying ISBT 128 data structures.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

The fee is based on the volume of labels sold in the previous year.


A Medical Product Vendor is a vendor of products that use an ISBT 128 data structure that contains a Manufacture's Identifier Code allocated by ICCBBA.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

US $8,667.42


A Vendor Combined Software and Other is a vendor who meets the criteria of a software vendor and also provides non-software products/services that use ISBT 128.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

The fee is based on the number of customers your company serves.


A Consultant is a vendor who provides consultancy services related to the implementation and/or use of ISBT 128. This category of user is limited to access of ISBT 128 databases, documents, and help desk services only.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

US $831.77


An Application Service Provider is a vendor who provides a service via a software application that utilizes ISBT 128 reference tables (FIN database, Product Database) but does not receive, process, or output ISBT 128 data structures.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

The fee is based on the number of customers your company serves.


A Software Vendor who only distributes milk banking software.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

The fee is based on the number of customers your company serves.

Fees CT
Fees Tissue
Fees Ocular
Fees ART
Fees Plasma
Fees Milk
Fees Medical Devices
Fees Organ
Fees Fecal
Fees Testing
Fees Regen
Fees Software
Fees Label
Fees Other
Fees General Vendor
Fees Consultant
Fees Apps
Software vendor - milk
Fees Serum
Chain of Identity
Supporting Vendor

A Supporting Vendor is a vendor that supports the use of ISBT 128 data structures in their products and wishes to promote their compliance with ISBT 128 as a licensed vendor. This category of user is limited to access of ISBT 128 databases, documents, and help desk services only.

Registration Fee:

Initial one-time fee of $218.

Annual Licensing Fee:

US $831.77

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