Asia Pacific Technical Advisory Group
The Asia Pacific Technical Advisory Group (APTAG) was established in 2007. Its purpose is to advise ICCBBA on the needs of users in the Asia Pacific Region.
The chairman of the group is Wayne Bolton of Australia. The Membership comprises one representative from each country in the Asia Pacific area with an ICCBBA registered blood or tissue facility. The representatives are appointed by their countries.
In addition to members, liaisons attend meetings. Liaisons are from regulatory authorities or other groups interested in ISBT 128.
Other persons interested in the work of the APTAG may attend meetings as observers at the discretion of the chairperson.
APTAG last met in November 2011, where they discussed ways to promote the use and knowledge of ISBT 128 in Asia and the Pacific regions. They concluded that people should reach out to the blood center leadership to spread the word about ISBT 128.
APTAG has since played an active role in the proposal process. Some recent proposals that members have voted on include:
16-005: Expansion of Allowable Characters for Data Structure 003
16-002: Division Characters for Solvent Detergent Pooled Plasma Products
16-001: Manufacturers Data File Container Identification Character
Wayne Bolton
Mark Bevan – New Zealand Blood Service
Hoo Chai – Macao Blood Transfusion Service
Wong Cheng – Macao Blood Transfusion Service
Yu Gao – Shanghai Blood Center
Tan Hwee Huang – Blood Services Group
Shu Pei Huey – Blood Services Group
Lai Lai Kuan – Macao Blood Transfusion Service
Tsoi Wai-Chiu – Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Services
Yong Ming Zhu – Shanghai Blood Center
Ziyan Zhu – Shanghai Blood Center
Ana Margarida Lopes
Nuno Oliveira
Leif Sandvik
C.C. Sim
John Tan
Daniel Waurzyniak
ICCBBA Staff Liaison
Erwin Cabana