Americas Technical Advisory Group
The Americas Technical Advisory Group (ATAG) was established in 1994. Its purpose is to advise ICCBBA on the needs of users in the Americas.
The ATAG membership is drawn from experts and representatives in the field of transfusion medicine working in the Americas in facilities that are licensed with ICCBBA.
In addition to voting members, liaisons attend ATAG meetings. Liaisons are from regulatory authorities and organizations with an interest in the ISBT 128 Standard.
Vendors and others interested in the work of the group may attend meetings as observers at the discretion of the chairperson.
The United States Industry Consensus Standard for the Uniform Labeling of Blood and Blood Components Using ISBT 128 v4.0.0 (IG-002) was published in January 2024. ICCBBA thanks the US Consensus Standard Subcommittee members for contributing to this document and the ATAG members for their valuable input.
The Implementation Guide: US Guidance on Printing Text Associated with Red Cell Antigen (IG-025) was published in February 2024. This document provides guidance for printing text and coding Red Blood Cell antigen test results on the affixed blood label.
ATAG met face-to-face in Houston, TX, on October 14, 2024. The group discussed educational initiatives to enhance support for new and existing ISBT 128 users, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Attendees provided insights on how ICCBBA can improve user implementation support through webinars, education content, and direct user support.
ATAG is actively contributing to the development of standardized inventory status and adverse event codes through ISBT 128. These codes are intended to support product status information across health IT systems.
ICCBBA thanks all ATAG members for their continued participation and valued support.
Kathleen Hopping
Wendell Jones - Americas Blood Centers
Jim Latimer - Americas Blood Centers (Alt.)
Wanda Lefresne - Canadian Blood Services
Maria Locher - American Red Cross
Nathalie Marin - Héma-Québec
Jessica Poisson - Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
Carrie Van Stedum - Veterans Affairs Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Alan Vaughn - Department of Defense
Technical Experts
Scott Bevington
Mandy O’Leary
Yossi Schwartz
Barbara Peoples - U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Gilles Polnicky - Health Canada
Travis Berry
Geoff Browne
Melissa Burt
Troy Campbell
Shawnda Canady
Claudia Cohn
Cindy Cullum
Ashley Davis
Jeff Dragoo
John Gorowsky
Helmut Hanske
Brenda Heiman
Kimberly Jimenez
Kristen Jones
Brian Kirkpatrick
John Kling
Sandvik Leif
Nancy Luckemeyer
Ana Margarida Lopes
Nuno Oliveira
Mani Sayes
Neal Rowland
Stephane Sajot
Laurie Sapp
Marsha Senter
Tiffiney Teo
Daniel Waurzyniak
Renae Weaver
ICCBBA Staff Liaison
Erwin Cabana