ICCBBA supports World Standards Day by maintaining the international information standard for globally unique identification, safety, and traceability of medical products of human origin.
14 October marks World Standards Day, a commemoration of the collaborative global effort to develop international standards. Hosted by the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and ITU (International Telecommunication Union), the event offers the opportunity to increase understanding of the importance of standardization. We at ICCBBA commend the effort as our ISBT 128 Standard is the global standard for the terminology, coding, and labeling of MPHO (medical products of human origin).
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Each label produced from a registered ISBT 128 facility contains a Donation Identification Number (DIN), which is designed to be unique for a period of 100 years. These DINs are comprised of a five-character facility ID number (FIN), a two-character year code and a 6-character serial number. ICCBBA assigns each facility registered to use ISBT 128 a unique FIN, ensuring that no two institutions will assign the same DIN. Further, the final symbol following the printed version of a DIN is an algorithmically assigned check character. This check character serves as a confirmation of DIN accuracy when manually entered into software systems. ICCBBA’s Quick K Calculator tool provides a convenient way to compute check characters.
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In addition, we at ICCBBA also maintain a high level of security, quality, and consistency by achieving ISO 9001:2015 certification. This certification encompasses the quality management system (QMS) for the development and provision of standards for electronic identification, coding, and labeling to support complete traceability of MPHO. With a current and compliant QMS, ICCBBA ensures the standards we collaboratively develop are maintained at the highest level across all MPHO sectors on a global basis.
On this World Standards Day, ICCBBA is proud to continue maintaining the highest quality information standards for traceability, trackability, patient safety, and biovigilance. We pledge to continue engaging in this effort, as we have over the last thirty years, today, tomorrow, and in the years to come.
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ICCBBA is the nonprofit international standards organization responsible for the development and management of the ISBT 128 Standard.
The acronym ISBT was originally derived from the important role played by the International Society of Blood Transfusion in the development of the Standard. Today it expands as Information Standard for Blood and Transplantation. The number 128 reflects the 128 characters of the ISO/IEC 646 7-bit character set.
The acronym ICCBBA is derived from the International Council for Commonality in Blood Banking Automation.
For More Information About ICCBBA:
Media Contact:
Christina Salinas
Email: support@isbt128.org
Creative Services Coordinator, ICCBBA