UPDATE: Deadline for applications is December 4th, 2020. Applications are being accepted for positions on the ICCBBA Board of Directors. The Board is made up of experts in the fields of transfusion and transplantation from around the world. In order to maintain international diversity, the Board is particularly keen to attract applications from professionals in blood transfusion within Africa, and from professionals in regenerative medicine within Asia. Applicants should be individuals of international standing in their field and have previous Board experience with a relevant scientific or professional society. In order to maintain neutrality in respect to commercial vendors ICCBBA does not accept nominations from individuals working in the commercial sector.
ICCBBA is a global not-for-profit, non-State actor in official relations with the World Health Organization that enhances safety for patients by managing the ISBT 128 international information standard for use in transfusion and transplantation. The organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and managed by an Executive Director.
Board members are volunteers who develop policies and procedures that govern the operations of the organization; ensure effective strategic planning; monitor ICCBBA finances, programs and performance; and decide on recommendations from all ICCBBA Technical Advisory Groups and committees.
Key activities and duties include:
· To participate in governing the implementation of the ICCBBA mission;
· To contribute to the development of the ICCBBA strategic plan;
· To approve the business plan developed by the Executive Director
· To approve the budget and fee proposals;
· To fulfill the functions of office set forth in the ICCBBA bylaws;
· To ensure compliance with all regulatory agencies;
· To ensure legal and ethical integrity;
· To have a fiduciary responsibility to the organization; and,
· To actively work to enhance the organization’s professional standing.
Board meetings consist of an annual two day face-to-face meeting and bi-monthly conference calls. ICCBBA provides toll free conference facilities for calls and refunds economy travel expenses for attendance at the annual face-to-face Board meeting. All business is conducted in English.
Board members may serve up to two consecutive three year terms. The initial term for these volunteer positions will begin in March 2021.
Applicants should send a cover letter explaining how their background and experience would be beneficial for the Board and a CV or resume to the ICCBBA Nominating Committee (boardnomination@iccbba.org). Questions about the positions or the organization may also be directed to boardnomination@isbt128.org. Again, the deadline for applications is December 4th, 2020.