Information regarding registration, licensing, and related questions to registration are located here. Click on the options below to get started.
ISBT 128 is a copyrighted system that is governed by ICCBBA and licensed to authorized users on the basis of an annual licensing fee. ICCBBA is a not-for-profit organization that is entirely dependent on licensing fee income.
Each year, the annual licensing fee is established by the Board of Directors according to a schedule that indexes several factors. Chief among these is funding the annual cost of operations for supporting, maintaining, and administering the ongoing development of the standard for the benefit of all licensed organizations. Additional factors in calculating the licensing fee include the type of licensee organization, and the international location of the organization in accordance with the U.N.'s Human Development Index for developing countries.
As a matter of policy, licensing with ICCBBA is required of all participating organizations and timely processing of licensing fees is obligatory and strictly enforced.
Licensing fees are invoiced yearly to the institutional address currently on record with ICCBBA for each organization. Fees are payable within 30 days. If remittance of the annual licensing fee should lapse beyond the invoice due date, access to the password-protected area of the ICCBBA website will be discontinued and the organization will need to re-register in order to be reinstated.
To support its activities, ICCBBA charges an annual licensing fee for the use of the ISBT 128 Standard. Primarily the annual licensing fee is based on the number of Donation Identification Numbers (DINs) assigned to collections by a facility in the previous year.
For example, if a facility collected 15,000 whole blood units, ICCBBA would receive US $332.00. (This figure is based off ICCBBA's 2015 Fee Schedule).
Click here for ICCBBA's Annual Reports to learn more about how licensing fees are used.
ICCBBA expresses its deepest gratitude to all of our participating facilities/vendors, and to our team of volunteers, for their continuing support of the ISBT 128 Standard.