Tissue Technical Advisory Group
As part of ICCBBA's ongoing commitment to strengthening technical advisory groups, we are pleased to introduce the Tissue Technical Advisory Group (TTAG). This newly established group marks an important transition, bringing together members from the previous three tissue advisory groups—European Tissue Technical Advisory Group (ETTAG), North America Tissue Technical Advisory Group (NATTAG), and International Tissue Technical Advisory Group (ITTAG)—into a single, unified body to enhance collaboration and support for tissue facilities worldwide.
TTAG is dedicated to addressing terminology, coding, and labeling matters related to tissues, excluding ocular and reproductive tissues.
Key objectives of TTAG include:
Reviewing and commenting on proposed additions or changes to the ISBT 128 Standard Terminology for Tissues.
Advising on the ongoing development of the ISBT 128 Information Standard to support new developments in tissue banking.
Developing and providing feedback on proposed changes to the ISBT 128 Information Standard.
Promoting the adoption of the ISBT 128 Information Standard in facilities around the world.
TTAG consists of Technical Experts in human tissues and Representatives appointed by professional organizations involved in tissue banking. Additionally, the membership includes Liaisons from regulatory authorities and other groups interested in ISBT 128, as well as Observers from licensed vendors, facilities, and/or countries interested in ISBT 128.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the former ETTAG, NATTAG, and ITTAG members for their support and invaluable contributions over the years. Their work has built a strong foundation for the development of ISBT 128 for tissue banking, and TTAG is committed to building upon their achievements.
We invite professionals and organizations interested in contributing to TTAG's work to join us. For participation inquiries, please contact us at support@isbt128.org.
Izabela Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz
Jennifer DeMatteo - Eye Bank Association of America (EBAA)
Johan Guns - European Association of Tissue and Cell Banks (EATCB)
Kip Hanks - American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB)
Dorte Kinggaard Holm - Odense University Hospital
Ken Lotherington - Canadian Blood Services
Elkin Vasquez - VIVEX Biologics
Rafael Villalba Montoro - Centro de Transfusión Tejidos y Células of Córdoba, Spain
Jannine Westby - NHS Blood and Transplant, UK
Technical Experts
Jelena Holovati
Diane Wilson
Martin FitzGerald - GS1
Geoff Browne
Jill Davies
Jeff Dragoo
John Kling
ICCBBA Staff Liaison
Mónica Freire